While you focus on what truly matters to you, we are here to make your life easy by delivering professional cleaning solutions tailored to your needs.
In the first step, you will choose the cleaning package and estimate the price of your cleaning.
After you submit your requirements to us, a representative of our team will reach out to you...
At the scheduled day and time, a team of our professional cleaners will arrive at your location and start their work.
After a busy day, who would not want to come to a home that is clean, neat, organized and tidy? Imagine a life where you don’t have to worry about cleaning after a busy day. We stand by our commitment to provide quality work and 100% service guarantee. We are here to bring ease into your life so you can live a comfortable and enjoyable life. Clutter-free home is everyone’s need which is why we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible cleaning experience.
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In the first step, you will choose the cleaning package and estimate the price of your cleaning through the “Price your Cleaning” section on our website. This will get you a quick estimate depending upon the features of your space and requirements of the cleaning actions you may have. If you are choosing one of our four packages, you can also see a list of cleanings services included in each package in the “Cleaning Comparison” section of our website. Our pricing is extremely precise and allows you to adjust according to your needs.
After you submit your requirements to us, a representative of our team will reach out to you in order to confirm the details. In this step, you can ask any questions that you may have and tell our representative about the day and time you want to schedule an appointment. Once all details are sorted, your cleaning day will be booked by our representative.
This is our basic package which includes maintaining a clean and welcoming home. This package is designed for regular cleaning and involves essential cleaning such as vacuuming, dusting, mopping, sweeping and cleaning surfaces. Even for a basic package, we ensure that you find a pleasant and clean home with a fresh living space.
As you upgrade the packages, you will find our team doing more and more thorough cleaning. This package is perfect for you if you are seeking enhanced attention to detail. It includes wiping appliances, cleaning mirrors etc. This package is a great fit for you if you want to maintain a spotless home where every corner is clear and clean.
This is where we take our cleaning services one step further with a deep cleaning solution by ensuring that no detail is overlooked. From changing your bed linens to cleaning vents and hand scrubbing – we got you! This package also includes removing tough stains for a complete home refresh. This is a great package which will transform your home in such a way that it can impress anyone.